Travel Tales

3 min read

Who doesn’t want to travel? Who doesn’t want to see everything out there in the world; the good and the bad, the man-made monstrosities and the beautiful secrets of nature?Here’s an overview on how to write your own “Travel Tales”.

Traveling isn’t an easy task but with a few careful steps taken, one can go anywhere, explore almost any territory occupied by humans and some even not. And for all the adventurers out there, there are so many guides available to help one travel on a budgetto any place on this beautiful planet.

Solo retreat

Going away from your family, friends and loved ones, all by yourself to discover a whole new world, outside the tiny bubble which you’ve spent your life in, can seem like a daunting experience at first, but once you put all your apprehensions aside and traverse the unfamiliar cities with pitch black nights, early sunrises, chilly mornings and gloomy evenings, you get a feeling of rejuvenation, you rediscover yourself amongst masses of strangers andlands unknown.

Benefits of Travel

Family trip

A family trip is incomplete without the messy and chaotic time spent squabbling over little things, parents’ stressing out over the tiniest of details, one of the kids getting lost atleast once and the mandatory colour-coordinated clothes, but even all after the drama and the fuss, the memories built on these tours last with you forever, and you will cherish them dearly in the years to follow.

Getaway with friends

Be it a college trip where you had to beg to convince your parents to let you go, or the one that you planned within a span of just an hour while reminiscing those same old college days, or going away to the remote lesser-known mountains, valleys or beaches with the squad can never go wrong. Staying up late at night watching the constellations twinkle, charades during the bus rides, befriending locals, trying new food and goofing around in sombre places define the perfect trip with your precious ones.

Vacations are much needed in our extremely busy and hectic lives which have given rise to the now common urge to find peace in some chilly countryside or a serene location far away, or to look for the lacking excitement you get when hiking up the highs, or to replace the monotonicity of the 9 to 5 office days with a trip to some noisy bazaar in a hot and humid secluded village filled with cultural beauty.

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